LIFEHONEY Wellness Wisdom Blog

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Cozy moments are made for Hygge -- just like you are made for snuggling

Cozy moments are made for Hygge -- just like you are made for snuggling

By now you may have heard of HYGGE. It is the Danish practice of pursuing a feeling of comfort and happiness as you go about your everyday life. Pronounced “hoo-ga”, it’s a feeling of coziness deep within your soul, and believe it or not, it’s been practiced by Danes and other soulful individuals for centuries. 
Take Another Step Towards Contentment with Lagom

Take Another Step Towards Contentment with Lagom

Lagom is a Swedish way of living which roughly translates to “not too much, not too little”. It describes an amount that is “just right” and encourages balance. 
Why I’m obsessed with Kintsugi

Why I’m obsessed with Kintsugi

When I first heard about this practice, my mouth dropped open and didn’t close for nearly two minutes. You mean the Japanese have been making art out of brokenness? Although it shares characteristics with the sustainability and upcycling movements, it is clearly in its own category. Kintsugi isn’t simply gluing the broken hoping no one notices the cracks; it cherishes the brokenness by cocooning it in valuable gold. 
Miyeokguk, Korea's Savory Answer to Chilly Days & Birth Recovery

Miyeokguk, Korea's Savory Answer to Chilly Days & Birth Recovery

Today’s LIFEHONEY Wellness Wisdom comes from Korea. It is for Mothers, Mothers-to-be, and for the rest of us who just love soup.  
What Happens When You Sleep?

What Happens When You Sleep?

Most of us know that our brains go through a series of cycles each night while we sleep, but many of us don’t really understand the huge undertaking that our brains go through to help us fully rest, recuperate, heal, and recharge. This article sets out to demystify those intangible stages and give us a greater understanding of the power of our brains, and what in the world is happening in that dreamy land of la la.