Communicating in a Language Beyond Words

Discover Your Charisma Type!

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STEP 1: The family receives their beautifully designed 25-piece Kintsugi Kit with handmade ceramic bowl. (exclamations of, "Oh my, what is this?" ensue.)
A letter at the top of their 10-layer gift box invites them to go online for their guided-crafting ceremony.

STEP 2: Robin Sol, the creator of LIFEHONEY®, guides the family through a bonding ceremony, resulting in their gold-bowl keepsake. The simple crafting ceremony will take less than an hour; its impact will last a lifetime...

STEP 3: The family enjoys a lasting interactive symbol representing their family's story. This Kit's online course includes ongoing practices for using their gold-bowl keepsake as an interactive art object for growing together.

*BONUS*: MINDFULNESS TRAINING. There's nothing like a good mindfulness practice to help a family grow together. Robin Sol, trained in Mindfulness Facilitation from UCLA's Semel Institute for Neuroscience, provides a downloadable mix & match of three 10 - 30 minute practices for mind, body & heart.


  • How to make their Family's Japanese Kintsugi Bowl.
  • How to infuse meaning, healing, and fun into this mindfulness-based activity.
  • How to honor, integrate, and sweeten Family Changes.
  • How to transform challenging moments into golden opportunities.
  • 3 daily practices for building resilience and softening the heart.
  • A 4-part simple movement practice based in the centuries-old mind-body art called Qigong.

More than a Present, an Experience!


STEP 1: The Lovers receive their beautifully designed 25-piece Kintsugi Kit with handmade ceramic bowl. (tears, joy, exclamations of, "Oh my, what is this?" ensue.) A letter at the top of their 10-layer gift box invites the Newlyweds to go online for their guided-crafting ceremony.

STEP 2: Robin Sol, the creator of LIFEHONEY®, guides the Newlyweds in a personal union ceremony, resulting in their gold bowl keepsake. The simple crafting ceremony will take less than an hour; its impact will last a lifetime...

STEP 3: The Lovers enjoy a lasting Interactive symbol of their union. This Kit's online course includes ongoing practices for using their gold-bowl keepsake as an interactive ritual object to grow their love "through thick and thin."

*BONUS*: MINDFULNESS TRAINING. Nothing helps love last like a training in mindful awareness. Robin Sol, trained in Mindfulness Facilitation from UCLA's Semel Institute for Neuroscience, provides a downloadable mix & match of three 10 - 30 minute practices for mind, body & heart.


  • How to make their Japanese Kintsugi Bowl as a living Keepsake of lasting love.
  • How to infuse meaning, healing, and fun into this mindfulness-based activity.
  • How to celebrate their new beginning together each day!
  • How to fully embrace each other---even the broken parts.
  • What mindfulness is.
  • How to live mindfully--with presence, clarity and vitality.
  • How to transform challenging moments into golden moments.
  • 3 daily mindfulness practices for building resilience, softening hearts, and easing anxiety.
  • A 4-part simple movement practice based in the centuries-old mind-body art called Qigong.

More than a Present, an Experience!


STEP 1: The Healing Kit recipient receives their beautifully designed 25-piece Kintsugi Kit with handmade ceramic bowl. (tears, joy, exclamations of, "Oh my, what is this?" ensue.)
A letter at the top of their 10-layer gift box invites them to go online for their guided-crafting ceremony.

STEP 2: Robin Sol, the founder of LIFEHONEY, guides them through a healing ceremony, resulting in a gold-bowl symbol of their wholeness. The simple crafting ceremony will take less than an hour; its impact will last a lifetime...

STEP 3: The gold-bowl creator enjoys a lasting interactive symbol of their wholeness. This Kit's online course includes ongoing practices for using their Kintsugi Keepsake as an interactive ritual object to grow their self-love, forgiveness and lasting healing.

*BONUS*: MINDFULNESS TRAINING. Experience wholeness through training in mindful awareness. Robin Sol, trained in Mindfulness Facilitation from UCLA's Semel Institute for Neuroscience, provides a downloadable mix & match of three 10 - 30 minute daily practices for mind, body & heart.


  • How to make their Japanese Kintsugi Bowl as an act of healing.
  • How to infuse meaning into this mindfulness-based activity.
  • How to bring love and compassion to the pain they've endured.
  • How to fully embrace themselves and their life, even the broken parts.
  • How to celebrate their new beginning!
  • What mindfulness is.
  • How to live mindfully--with presence, clarity and vitality.
  • How to transform challenging moments into golden moments.
  • 3 daily mindfulness practices for building resilience, softening the heart, and easing anxiety or depression.
  • A 4-part simple movement practice based in the centuries-old mind-body art called Qigong.

More than a Present, an Experience!


STEP 1: The bereaved receives their elegantly designed 25-piece Kintsugi Kit with handmade ceramic bowl. Touched by the mysterious beauty of the gift, the recipient says, "Stunning. What is this?"
A letter at the top of their 10-layer gift box invites them to go online for their guided-crafting ceremony.

STEP 2: Robin Sol, the creator of LIFEHONEY, guides the bereaved through a grief & praise ceremony, resulting in a gold-bowl memorial keepsake. The simple crafting ceremony will take less than an hour; its impact will last a lifetime...

STEP 3: The bereaved honors the connection to their loved one with a lasting interactive memorial. This Kit's online course includes practices for using the finished memorial keepsake as an interactive ritual object to honor love that never dies.

*BONUS*: MINDFULNESS TRAINING. Training in mindful awareness has been shown to greatly assist in processing grief. Robin Sol, trained in Mindfulness Facilitation from UCLA's Semel Institute for Neuroscience, provides a downloadable mix & match of three 10 - 30 minute daily mindfulness practices for mind, body & heart.


  • How to make a Japanese Kintsugi Memorial Keepsake to honor the life of the one they've lost.
  • How to infuse meaning & healing into this mindfulness-based activity.
  • How to greet feelings of loss while recognizing, praising and honoring the everlasting qualities of their loved one.
  • What mindfulness is.
  • How to live mindfully through loss--with presence, clarity and vitality.
  • How to transform challenging moments into golden moments.
  • 3 daily practices for building resilience, softening the heart, and easing anxiety or depression.
  • A 4-part simple movement practice based in the centuries-old mind-body art called Qigong.

More than a Present, an Experience!


STEP 1: The celebrant receives their elegantly designed 25-piece Kintsugi Kit with handmade ceramic bowl. Intrigued by the mysterious beauty of the gift the recipient asks, "Wow. What is this?"
A letter at the top of their 10-layer gift box invites them to go online for their guided-crafting ceremony.

STEP 2: Robin Sol, the creator of LIFEHONEY®, guides the celebrant in a rebirth ceremony, resulting in their gold bowl keepsake. The simple crafting ceremony will take less than an hour; its impact will last a lifetime.

STEP 3: The celebrant enjoys a lasting interactive symbol of their growth. This Kit's online course includes ongoing practices for using their gold-bowl keepsake as an interactive ritual object to dream their new life into being!"

*BONUS*: MINDFULNESS TRAINING. Nothing helps start anew like mindful awareness. Robin Sol, trained in Mindfulness Facilitation from UCLA's Semel Institute for Neuroscience, provides a downloadable mix & match of three 10 - 30 minute mindfulness practices for mind, body & heart.


  • How to make their Japanese Kintsugi Bowl as a living representation of their growth.
  • How to infuse meaning, healing, and fun into this mindfulness-based activity.
  • How to invite authentic “rebirth” to occur.
  • How to honor where you’ve been while courageously stepping into where you're growing!
  • What mindfulness is.
  • How to live mindfully--with presence, clarity and vitality.
  • How to transform challenging moments into golden opportunities.
  • 3 daily mindfulness practices for building resilience, softening the heart, and easing anxiety.
  • A 4-part simple movement practice based in the centuries-old mind-body art called Qigong.

More than a Present, an Experience!


STEP 1: The recipient receives their elegantly designed 25-piece Kintsugi Kit with handmade ceramic bowl. Intrigued by the mysterious beauty of the gift the recipient asks, "Wow. What is this?"
A letter at the top of their 10-layer gift box invites them to go online to choose from the following guided-crafting ceremonies:

  • Lovers' Kintsugi Course: For Newlyweds
  • Family Kintsugi Course: For Family Restructuring
  • Healing Kintsugi Course: For Becoming Well
  • Loss Kintsugi Course: For Processing Death
  • Growth Kintsugi Course: For Reinventing Yourself
STEP 2: Robin Sol, the creator of LIFEHONEY®, guides the recipient through a ceremony, resulting in their gold-bowl keepsake. The simple crafting ceremony will take less than an hour; its impact will last a lifetime...

STEP 3: The recipient enjoys lasting interactive art. This Kit's online course includes ongoing practices for using their gold bowl keepsake as an interactive ritual object to continue growing.

*BONUS*: MINDFULNESS TRAINING. Nothing helps sweeten change like a training in mindful awareness. Robin Sol, trained in Mindfulness Facilitation from UCLA's Semel Institute for Neuroscience, provides a downloadable mix & match of three 10 - 30 minute practices for mind, body, and heart.


  • How to make their Japanese Kintsugi Bowl.
  • How to infuse meaning, healing, and joy into this mindfulness-based activity.
  • How to embrace change while beginning anew.
  • How to make lifehoney from whatever life brings!
  • What mindfulness is.
  • How to live mindfully--with presence, clarity and vitality.
  • How to transform challenging moments into golden moments.
  • 3 daily mindfulness practices for building resilience and softening the heart.
  • A 4-part simple movement practice based in the centuries-old mind-body art called Qigong.

More than a Present, an Experience!

  1. Receive Your Beautiful Kit
    (includes bowl to ceremonially break & mend with gold)
  2. Register For Your Online Kintsugi Course
    (a special link is provided in your kit)
  3. Revel in Your Golden Kintsugi Keepsake
    (your crafting ceremony will take less than an hour; its impact will last a lifetime...)

What's Kintsugi?

Since the 15th century, instead of discarding pottery that breaks, the Japanese have been mending the pieces with gold in an artform called “Kintsugi.”

Kintsugi (金継ぎ pronounced keen-soo-gee) literally translates to "Golden Joinery".

Lifehoney’s DIY Kintsugi Kit is a modern take on this ancient Japanese artform.

LIFEHONEY's modern DIY Kintsugi Ceremony is the perfect activity for honoring family changes.

LIFEHONEY's modern DIY Kintsugi Ceremony shows us that our broken places are our most beautiful places.

LIFEHONEY's modern DIY Kintsugi Kit is the perfect gift of healing for anyone experiencing the loss of a loved one. As a true memorial, consider adding ashes of your deceased to the gold veins of your Kintsugi Keepsake.

LIFEHONEY's modern DIY Kintsugi Kit is the perfect gift to celebrate where you've been and where you're growing!

LIFEHONEY's modern DIY Kintsugi Ceremony is the perfect gift to embrace change while beginning anew! It's the perfect gift to make lifehoney from whatever life brings you!

Click To Watch How Kintsugi Is Made


This Kit’s accompanying video course invites authentic “bonding” to occur. Taught online by Robin Sol, Lifehoney’s Founder & UCLA-trained Mindfulness Teacher, the Lovers are guided to fully embrace each other---even the broken parts.

This Kit’s accompanying video course, taught online by Robin Sol, Lifehoney’s Founder & UCLA-trained Mindfulness Teacher, guides you through a bonding ceremony to acknowledge the changes you have experienced while becoming a stronger, more connected family. Also included in your Course is a printable step-by-step guide you can use to easily lead a Kintsugi Ceremony at your next Family Reunion.

In this Kit’s accompanying video course, taught online by Robin Sol, Lifehoney’s Founder & UCLA-trained Mindfulness Teacher, you are guided in bringing love and compassion to the pain you have endured. You will finish the ceremony feeling whole, resilient and more valuable than before the break occurred.

This Kit’s accompanying video course is taught online by Robin Sol, Lifehoney’s Founder & UCLA-trained Mindfulness Teacher. In it, you are guided to greet your feelings of loss while recognizing, praising and honoring the everlasting qualities of your loved one as they live on through you. Also included in your Course is a printable step-by-step guide you can use to lead a “Processing Death Kintsugi Ceremony” for friends and family.

This Kit’s video course invites authentic “rebirth” to occur. Taught online by Robin Sol, Lifehoney’s Founder & UCLA-trained Mindfulness Teacher, you are guided to honor where you’ve been while courageously breaking free & stepping into your new golden life!

Whether you choose the Lovers, Family, Healing, Loss or Growth video course to help you craft your Kintsugi Keepsake and sweeten change, be prepared for authentic “rebirth” to occur. Taught online by Robin Sol, Lifehoney’s Founder & UCLA-trained Mindfulness Teacher, you are guided to experience a rite of passage in a box.

As a support tool, and in gratitude for you being one of our first 1000 Kintsugi Kit users, we will include a signed copy of Robin’s book, The Charisma Code: Communicating in a Language Beyond Words. As Author, Marianne Williamson says about the book,

“The Charisma Code unlocks some best-kept secrets regarding living and leading from a power within us all. It removes some veils and restores our vision of things that matter the most.”

A portion of the proceeds from the purchase of this Kit will go to two non-profits: one that battles xenophobia and one that helps Earth’s honeybees thrive.

Yep. Culture & Bees. Life & Honey.

Kintsugi Gift Kit

Our Love Jug has two glass chambers; one for your drinking water and one for the Madagascar Rose Quartz. The stones infuse their soft-pink-crystalline energy into your water while the etched phrase, “making lifehoney,” reminds you to enjoy the sweetness of the moment.

You may find it supportive to drink from a LIFEHONEY® Love Jug daily.

Glass is dishwasher safe.
Hand wash crystals, cap and base.

Giving Back:
A portion of this purchase goes towards helping Earth’s honey bees thrive.

Rose Quartz Water Bottle



Robin Sol Breaks Down Presidential Debate Performances on KTLA 5

Robin Sol analyzes Clinton and Trump’s Body Language in Final Debate on Fox 5

Robin Sol on Good Day DC


Robin Sol on SiriusXM’s “Midday Briefing”:

Introducing The Charisma Code, written by LIFEHONEY's Founder, Robin Sol Lieberman. The perfect companion to LIFEHONEY's transformational Ceremony Kits.

This book inspires readers to choose courage over comfort, compassion over ignorance, and freedom over fear.

Through a 3-part Code, you learn to be heard by listening, and to communicate without opening your mouth.

Charisma is not something you can spray on or shout out in neon colors.

It’s just who you are.

Learn to chill out. Be yourself. And maybe save the world.

The Charisma Code unlocks some best-kept secrets regarding living and leading from a power within us all. It removes some veils and restores our vision of things that matter the most.”  
Marianne Williamson, Author of A Return to Love

Get your signed copy of The Charisma Code plus gold metal coin with 3-part code etchings here.

Kintsugi Kit Love Jug Book + CoinNewlyweds' Kit:
Japanese Kintsugi Ceremony
Family Kit:
Japanese Kintsugi Ceremony
Healing Kit:
Japanese Kintsugi Ceremony
Bereavement Kit:
Japanese Kintsugi Ceremony
New You Kit:
Japanese Kintsugi Ceremony
Sweetening Change Kit:
Japanese Kintsugi Ceremony

  • Orders ship in 1-3 business days from Anaheim, CA., USA.
  • Free shipping on orders sent within the US (delivery time is typically 2-5 business days from shipment date.)
  • Expedited shipping options are available at checkout for a cost.
  • All international orders sent to countries outside the US enjoy discounted shipping options at checkout.
  • We only collect sales tax on orders shipped to California.
  • We do not collect and submit international duties. If you ship to countries outside the US, the receiver will be contacted by customs officials at time of delivery, if import taxes are due.
  • We're not responsible for delays due to customs.
  • Now let's get you your package already! There's life honey that needs to be made!

At check out, under the big gold CHECK OUT button, select the box next to, "Is this a gift?" This will reveal a small form where you can write a special note for your receiver. Be sure to include your name so they know who the gift is from. Unless, of course, you wish to remain anonymous.

If you choose to order multiple gifts and ship them to different addresses, you will have an option to write a unique gift note for each order, which will appear on the checkout page.

  • user guide
  • welcome card
  • 1 handmade, unique, 6" ceramic bowl
  • 1 black velvet pouch for keeping the pieces of your bowl contained when you break it
  • 4 sets of protective gloves (latex free)
  • 8 alcohol pads
  • 2 rose quartz hearts
  • 1 "making lifehoney" journal"
  • 2 gold "making lifehoney" pens
  • 1 tube of 5 min. hardener
  • 1 tube of 5 min. resin
  • 1 cylinder of epoxy putty
  • 1 wooden mixing cup
  • 2 wooden sticks for mixing
  • 1 glass of magical gold powder
  • 1 paintbrush
  • 3 black foam craft mats

Phone: +1 (833) HONEY-ME


Should you wish to create or use your kintsugi keepsake during your wedding ceremony, vow renewal or reception, here are a few ideas:

  • OPTION A: Craft ahead of time, using it as a vessel to carry your rings in: In this instance, you may wish to integrate the concept of kintsugi into your vows.
  • OPTION B: Create your Kintsugi Keepsake during your Wedding Ceremony: For purposes of streamlining time, many couples start the crafting at home, before their wedding ceremony. They leave one piece of their bowl unglued, waiting until their actual unity ceremony to complete their Kintsugi Keepsake.
  • OPTION C: Add as an activity at your Wedding Reception: Standing in a circle, each wedding guest passes around the Kintsugi Kit’s pot of gold, voicing their genuine wishes for the couples’ happy life ahead. Later, as dancing ensues, excited guests and the Newlyweds can participate in crafting the couple's Kintsugi Bowl. Using the gold pens and journal included in the Kit, guests can write little love letters to the Newlyweds. By the end of the night, the couple will receive an elegant-gold-bowl-Kintsugi Keepsake filled with their guest's best wishes. Truly a keepsake to cherish forever...

Featured In:

Editorial Reviews:

Praise for The Charisma Code

The Charisma Code offers a wealth of tools for resolving conflict, inspiring engagement, and changing culture.”

–TONY HSIEH, Former CEO, and author of Delivering Happiness

Praise for The Charisma Code

The Charisma Code unlocks some of the best-kept secrets regarding living and leading from a power within us all. It removes some veils and restores our vision of things that matter the most.”

–MARIANNE WILLIAMSON, #1 New York Times Bestselling author of A Return to Love

Praise for The Charisma Code

“As our world is entering a new era of interconnectivity, global citizenship is emerging as the only sensitive and realistic way of living for humanity. The Charisma Code builds on this transformational opportunity and creates a credible pathway for everyone to become a true global citizen ensuring that our planet remains livable for generations to come. Robin Sol Lieberman deserves our appreciation and encouragement for articulating her vision in such a lucid and practical way in her book.”

–AMBASSADOR ANWARUL K. CHOWDHURY, Champion of The Culture of Peace; Former Under-Secretary-General and High Representative of the United Nations

Praise for The Charisma Code

“The Charisma Code is a great manual for anyone who wishes to raise their energy level while connecting better in their work and personal relationships. This book will help you tap into the mysterious power we all have, but do not all access.”

–CONGRESSMAN TIM RYAN, author of A Mindful Nation

Praise for The Charisma Code

“I have visited 42 countries in my life as a performer, and as a global citizen. I have observed that there is a language of connectedness human beings share just by being human. It exists in a place where spoken words do not. Communication is the key to global peace and harmony. Robin Sol Lieberman and The Charisma Code tap into this powerful truth.”

–DURGA MCBROOM, singer for Pink Floyd and Blue Pearl


Choose your Kintsugi Kit


Choose your Kintsugi Kit


Choose your Kintsugi Kit


Choose your Kintsugi Kit


Choose your Kintsugi Kit